I'm Mohamed El argoubi. I live in Reality, where I ... .

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by computers and mathematics. I discovered my passion for programming early on and have been honing my skills for the past 5 years. Through my experience as a computer programmer, I have developed an innovative tech mind capable of working with a variety of technology and software solutions, as well as managing databases.

I am a valuable team member with experience diagnosing problems and developing effective solutions. In addition, I have extensive expertise in networking systems and working with mainframe computers. As a talented leader with unique ideas and a successful track record of contributions to the field, I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as a Full Stack developer.

My passion for programming and technology has led me to constantly seek new knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments. With a strong work ethic and dedication to delivering high-quality projects, I am committed to achieving success and driving innovation in all my endeavors.

Soft Skills

Certain skills I've picked along the way that deserves mentioning:

  • Attention to Detail: I take pleasure in creating designs and UIs with careful precision, emphasizing quality over quantity.
  • Effective Communication: I excel in clear and concise communication, fostering a collaborative environment and ensuring that project requirements are understood and met.
  • Proactive Problem-Solving: I approach challenges with a proactive mindset, identifying and addressing issues before they escalate, ensuring a smoother project flow.
  • Adaptability: I thrive in dynamic work environments, adapting quickly to changes and new technologies, allowing me to stay innovative and efficient.
  • Time Management: Recognizing the value of time, I am adept at managing my time efficiently, ensuring timely completion of assignments and projects.


Tools, technologies and gadgets I use on a daily basis but not limited to.


reactjsReact: UI Library

nextjsNext.js: React Framework

tailwindcssTailwind CSS: Styling Library

typescriptlangTypeScript: Typed superset of JavaScript

expressjsExpress.js: Web app framework for Node.js

mysqlMySQL: Relational database management system

expoExpo: Framework for React Native

reactnativeReact Native: Framework for mobile apps

pythonPython: General-purpose programming language

git-scmGit: Distributed version control system

githubGitHub: Web-based hosting service for version control using Git


Visual Studio Code: Text Editor

figmaFigma: Design Tool

adobeAdobe Photoshop: Image editing software

adobeAdobe Illustrator: Vector graphics editor

notionNotion: All-in-one workspace tool

braveBrave: Web browser with privacy features

mozillaFirefox Developer Edition: Web browser optimized for developers

blenderBlender: 3D content creation suite

Operating Systems

microsoftWindows: Primary operating system

ubuntuLinux (Ubuntu): Secondary operating system